Homemade Quiche
We have 9 pet chickens as we are now coming in to longer days they are laying more regular and we have a large number of eggs building up. Sadly our cockerel pictured has passed away a few months ago. One way I like to use eggs is to make a quiche.

For now, until I have sold my hose in the Midlands they are living in with my Father looking after them as it is not possible for them to come where we are currently living. I was renting some land but it was open to anyone and we had found someone was taking the eggs. For 4 1/2 months I did not have any eggs at all. Then the chicken food started going missing too. This prompted their move back to my Dad.
To start, I made a shortcrust pastry. This is the recipe I use.
Next I sauteed 2 large french onions, one at a time.

Whilst cooking on a low heat I lined the tin, having greased and floured it first.
Once the onions were cooked I added salt and ground black pepper and placed the first onion in the pastry and then placed grated cheese on top.

I cooked the second french onion, seasoned, placed in the pastry and then topped this with grated cheddar, crumbled goats cheese and a small amount of grated Mexican (chili) cheese. Don’t compact the ingredients down and use a fork to separate.

Now came our home laid eggs. I used 8 eggs as this is a large tin to fill. Mixed with 500ml of double cream and about 3/4 of the cream tub of milk. Season this mixture and add chopped parsley. Fresh or dried work fine.

Pour the mixture in to the pastry case about 3/4 of the way up. I always place my tin on a smaller pizza pan as it’s easier to move. I placed it in the oven and then filled the pastry case to the top with the egg mixture.

I cooked on 160 degrees for around an hour and a half.

Let it cool completely before going around the edge with a knife then take out of the tin.

We served ours with a green salad, pomegranate and balsamic dressing.
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