Passion Cake
On Saturday afternoon before I started on the housework, the bain of my life, the thing I despise, I had a cup of tea but something was missing. No all the ironing was clearly there waiting for me, the breakfast plates still on the table, sink full of washing up, junk everywhere. The thing that was missing was cake. So I jumped right up and got making this yummy Passion cake. Anything to avoid the housework!
That word ‘carrot’ cannot be uttered in this house as for sure the kids would go running to the hills, so I renamed it passion cake and the fact there are carrots in are never ever mentioned! Being a sharing sort of person, I thought I would share such yumminess with you all.
As it is a healthy cake – got fruit, veg, nuts and fibre – I can’t possibly cook it with the kids in the house, so with much sadness I had to leave the ironing yesterday morning in order to bake some cakes.
(Healthy) Ingredients

- 8oz wholemeal self raising flour (fibre)
- 5oz soft brown sugar
- 1/4 pint sunflower oil
- 2 eggs
- 4oz walnuts (nuts)
- 4oz sultanas (fruit)
- 2 ripe bananas (fruit)
- 1 carrot (vegetable)
- 2 tea spoon baking powder
- 1/2 tea spoon ground cinnamon
If you don’t like nuts or sultanas they can be left out. As you can see I didn’t add walnuts, as I didn’t have enough to go in the cake as well as decorate the top.
This recipe makes a 1lb loaf and 3 muffins or 2 x 7″ round cakes or 12 muffins.
- Heat oven to 160
- Grate carrot.
- chop/mash bananas
- Place everything in a bowl and mix.

That simple!
- Cook for 45 mins to 1 hour for loaf/cake.
- Muffins 25 to 30 mins

Leave to cool

Yummy Frosting
(the not so healthy bit)
- 6oz full fat soft cheese
- 2oz softened butter
- 4oz icing sugar
- couple of drops of vanilla essence
- Place all of the ingredients in a bowl & mix.
- Spread over the cooled cake
If you like the cakes can be decorated with walnut halves or marzipan carrot.
Slice & enjoy with a lovely cup of tea (at this point you can think about doing some housework but it is really NOT recommended).
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